I had high hopes for the triangle triathlon. It was a big race with over 1000 people. The race was really not suited for me. The ride was only 13 miles and hilly so it did not give me the chance to make up for my swim. I got out of the water in about 15 minutes which was a minute slower than I had hoped but still better then my 17+minute swim at Tri Latta.
I thought I had a great bike but I was not watching the telemetry (power monitor, bike computer, heart rate, GPS - all the gizmo I am wired up to) and my time was slower then I had planned by over two and half minutes. Almost a minute of the time was the result of a fouled up bike mount. I started with the shoes already on the bike but I pedaled through before I got my left foot in the shoe. The shoe jammed on the ground under the petal and knock me off the bike, I remounted only to realized I had knocked the chain off too.
I finished the race with a slow run run on a short fast course. Not my best race but all the same It was great to be racing. And I must say, my comrades that came to the race to cheer from the YMCA TRI Club (Lucky, Margo, Tommy, and the Taxman) were awesome.